Lot's of ways to become part of the Community of Standers!
Woman’s ZOOM Meetings-Notices are sent with date and time(Looking for ladies that would like to host a meeting)
Men’s ZOOM Meetings-Looking for men that would like to host a meeting.
Prayer Nights with Dave Price-ZOOM meetings. Notices are sent with date and time.
New/Struggling Standers Mentoring with Sheila-Thursday Nights ($25)
We have special Guest Speakers from time to time who share their personal stories of being lost and how God brought them back to Him and turned their hearts once again to their spouse.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called for his purpose. Romans 8:28
Do you have a testimony to share? Send me an email : admin@marriagerevealedministries.com