Do not let your giant intimidate you into agreeing to quit.
I get a lot of private messages from Standers freaking out, because they heard something, saw something, learned of something. That giant made them hurt, angry, afraid as it screamed out “I am HUGE!! Impossible to defeat. You can’t win.”
That is intimidation, bullying, a scare tactic from the enemy. And yes, I fell for it so many times too. I agreed with the enemy many times that the giant was bigger than God could handle, and it seemed totally impossible for God to turn it around. I agreed to the point where out of my mouth I confessed the desire to quit standing.
I got blinded by how happy he was and forgot he was perishing and going to hear Jesus say, “Depart from Me I never knew you.” His happiness made me forget he was not in God’s will and I fell for the trick of the world.
When he hurt me, I agreed with the enemy that my hurt gave me a right to quit. My anger and pride gave me a right to believe he didn’t deserve my prayers because his sins and selfishness lessened his worth and value. The more disgusted by him I felt, the more willing I was to abandon him over to the enemy.
When I felt no love for him, I agreed with the enemy I didn’t need to pray because my heart was hardening, and it was easier and less painful to just forget him.
When he didn’t give me any hope, I agreed with despair and discouragement and fell into depression.
When I got weary from doing good, I got angry and bitter at God for allowing it to happen for so long and self-pity buried me alive. The more bitter I became, the more self-pity made me blame God and distorted my view of a loving God that would allow this to happen to me.
I had so many giants that kicked my butt day after day that it’s not even funny. But something happened to me as I faced those many giants.
I started to wise up. I started to see their game plan, their strategy. I started to understand what they did and said and how it made me back down. I started to understand exactly what they were. Each time they got the victory over me, I got the victory over ignorance! I grew wiser, stronger and braver. Until I got the courage to start facing them.
“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 The Message
I faced them with God. He was cheering me on.
Helping me to defeat each one because love was the stone.
Forgiveness was the stone.
Compassion was the stone.
Mercy was the stone.
Wisdom was the stone.
One by one God provided me with the stones to take down those giants. Truth! That is what God will give you to help you see those giants are not so giant after all.
Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. Psalm 51:6 ESV
Standing with you,
Sheila Hollinger