~by, Angelica Robinson ~

“I want to come home” is the beginning of the most intense warfare you’ve ever experienced. When you hear these words, naturally, you expect certain actions, behaviors, initiatives, and/or changes. But the truth is, the warfare you engaged in before these words, made them happen. The sleepless nights, sobbing, snotty-nosed intercession, declaring God’s word over your marriage got you to the cave of the hugest enemy you’ve ever seen. It’s like beating all of the levels in a fighting game. You’re looking the ULTIMATE enemy in the face. Warfare broke through your spouse’s pride and finally caused truth to flow out “I want to be home.” God helped you to break down the thick walls of pride and rebellion but what you see behind the wall is a spiritually weak captive, beaten, bruised, and fragile.

This is when the real war starts.

The enemy is LIVID! He will LITERALLY use anyone (usually YOU) or anything, most times their vice (the very thing that induced their departure) to make them and YOU regret these words. He wants you to turn your back on the marriage you prayed fervently for, for months, years, decades and TRUST ME at times it’ll feel easy to give up.

But we MUST KNOW that the enemy is INFURIATED! Because now you KNOW the power of prayer, your spouse knows the power of intercession and God’s promises. YOU KNOW WHAT WORKS!

In this time you’ll see them waver, totter, weigh the options of covenant and carnality. Sometimes they’ll seem so conflicted you want to just say “BYE BOO CHOOSE THE WORLD.” This is because the enemy makes the world even shinier and tries to make covenant, the will of God, look bland and undesirable. He attacks the Stander’s emotions when the spouse disappoints, makes you feel unwanted, says something that resembles their life out there, posts things on social media that oppose restoration. The past hurt FLOODS your heart and immediately you want to be angry, give up, and uh-oh stop… praying. The very tool that got you this miracle the enemy is trying to steal, kill, and destroy.

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

The enemy is running smoke screens like never before on your imagination… and not just you… your spouse too. He’s playing both sides wanting you both to give up. So what do you do? Persevere! KEEP FIGHTING, KEEP PRAYING, KEEP WARRING AGAINST THE ENEMY AND HIS WEAPONS THAT WON’T PROSPER.

Even before you hear the words “I want to come home” stay prayed up friends. Because if you aren’t in that secret place when it happens the enemy will WEAR YOU OUT!

Stay in the fight. Keep pressing. Keep praying! And know the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much! Pray without ceasing because God WINS THIS!

in truthful speech and in the power of God;
with the weapons of righteousness in the
right hand and in the left;
2 Corinthians 6:7

~Angelica Robinson ~


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(~Marriage Revealed Ministries Inc. is committed to helping bring healing and restoration to couples who are struggling in their marriage. We do this through the revelation of Who God is and His heart and design for marriage which never intends abuse in any form. If you suspect abuse in your relationship, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit them online at thehotline.org~