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REVEALED Standing for Marriage Restoration

© 2022 Sheila Hollinger All Rights Reserved

No part of this Magazine may be shared, reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews and pages where permissions is specifically granted by the author.

Marriage restoration

Man’s Pride

To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate arrogant pride, evil conduct, and perverse speech. Proverbs 8:13    Not only does God resist those in...
aprudent wife

The Prudent Wife!-Helpmeet-Respectful Wife-Marriage Restoration

For the first 19 years of marriage, before our storm started, I lived without concern or caution when it came to communication with my husband. I...
Hard Heart chains

Wife Freed From the Snare-Standing for Marriage Restoration

Sheila's Note: As I read this testimony from a dear sister in Christ who is now the Stander, so many things are in this that need talking about. ...
scared man

“I Made My Husband Afraid of Me.”

I came from a childhood where I was controlled and bullied. Instead of that breaking my spirit and making me submissive, it made me strong in my...
adultery prodigal divorce

Is Your Spouse Envious?-Marriage Restoration

 Envy is the desire of wanting something that is not intended for you. When we are unclear of our identity, our God-given purpose, and His will for...

Where Does Standing Come From?

"I haven't heard God call me to Stand, so I am confused if this is what God wants me to do." In order for you to understand what you are being...
riding donkey

Permission to Sin? God is Ok with Adultery?

"My spouse SWEARS God told them they can do what they are doing!" We know God won't go against His Word, but guess's IN His Word,...
old man 2803645 640

Resentment-Marriage Restoration

Resentment is an emotion that many of our spouses in crisis go through. Resentment is unresolved bitterness over believing you have been treated...
lost wife

I Was The Wife That Left-Standing for Marriage Restoration

Sheila had asked some of the standing wives who were once lost with a hard heart to write our testimonies to encourage our standing brothers to...
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A Soul Ripe for Rebellion

  A person without God is going to come to a crossroads in their life, most often during the “Mid-life” season. They may be at the place where...