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REVEALED Standing for Marriage Restoration

© 2022 Sheila Hollinger All Rights Reserved

No part of this Magazine may be shared, reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews and pages where permissions is specifically granted by the author.

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Resentment-Marriage Restoration

Resentment is an emotion that many of our spouses in crisis go through. Resentment is unresolved bitterness over believing you have been treated...
lost person

Your Lost Spouse-What are they looking for?

While outward appearance seems to point to happiness, fun, pleasure.....What is your spouse really looking for?   Emotional stability Peace...
afraid to come home

Afraid to Come Home?-Marriage Restoration

Has your spouse expressed they are afraid it won't work if they come home? They love you, but they feel you are better off without them? The intense...
happiness is not proof

Happiness is Not Proof!-Marriage Restoration

One of the reasons that we snoop and look is because we are seeking evidence to prove something. Looking to see if they really are as happy as they...
woman in field praising

Wives DO Come Home, God Changed Donna’s Heart

In our effort to encourage men who are Standing for the healing and restoration of their wives, marriages, and family, we are collecting testimonies...
aprudent wife

The Prudent Wife!-Helpmeet-Respectful Wife-Marriage Restoration

For the first 19 years of marriage, before our storm started, I lived without concern or caution when it came to communication with my husband. I...
the foolish

The Foolish Person Who Gets Snared in Adultery

The Word of God talks all throughout the Proverbs about the FOOLISH person that gets caught in the trap of adultery.  The foolish person, 5...
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A Soul Ripe for Rebellion

  A person without God is going to come to a crossroads in their life, most often during the “Mid-life” season. They may be at the place where...

When are They No Longer LOST?

We all understand and agree our spouse are LOST. But what escapes many is the understanding when that  no longer applies to them. When is a lost...

Understanding Blame, Avoidance and Deflection

“Out of sight, out of mind” Why? Because the mind is in total darkness. Tormented. Confused. Guilt and shame ridden. The last place a person wants...