Mentoring with Sheila
1-1 or Mini Groups1-1 or Mini Groups
Visit our Calendar Page to see what we offer.
Need financial assistance to schedule a session? Email:
How Do I Know If I Need a mentor?
Are you Struggling?
Standing is not an easy thing to do and sometimes we need a little help navigating through some of the more difficult obstacles. God has given us gifts to help the body, not for ourselves, BUT to help others. It’s OK to seek out help in those areas we are struggling in and can’t seem to break through.
I am not a licensed counselor or legal advisor, and I can’t mentor anyone in an abusive situation. I am simply a vessel that has been through this journey and God is using to help others as they navigate through.
Have questions or need financial assistance for a session? Send me an email.
“I highly recommend”
I was so nervous to talk to Sheila, but that quickly went away within the first moments as she is just as down to earth in her phone calls as she is in her YouTube Videos. I was blown away by how quickly she was able to hear from God and uncover and pinpoint the exact reason to my struggle that had been escaping and tormenting me for months. We laughed and cried together as God shared things through her that I was not willing to see. I am truly grateful to the Lord for her and the insight and wisdom that He gave her to speak into my situation. I definitely recommend if you are a Stander and need help. ~Mary in Idaho
Mentoring is through Calls or Zoom