For many years I hid behind having the “Fear of rejection” and the “fear of man.” It made me feel good to say I had these fears because I got perceived sympathy, which made me NOT want to be set free. It felt good to know that I had a fear that helped me maintain my, “Poor me, look at what has been done TO me,” victim mindset.
We say these are spirits, but they are actually deep-rooted beliefs embedded into our character; coping methods, self-soothing methods, protection methods.
The truth behind these kinds of fears is pride. Fear of what other people think, feel, or believe about us puts us into a place where we want to protect ourselves from being on display and judged.
The problem with these fears rooted in pride is that they are ALL about the selfishness of “self,” guarding yourself against being exposed to anything that will cause it to become uncomfortable. SELF wants to be safe. To live without risk of being embarrassed, judged, misunderstood. SELF wants to protect itself from shame, hurt, harm.
Pride will protect you from the world, while it brings you disgrace in the Kingdom of God. Think about this. We are so safe in the eyes of the world, but in the Kingdom, what are we doing? Are we living like the chosen, set apart ambassadors of Jesus Christ? Are we sacrificing our Kingdom’s purpose to avoid being persecuted in the world?
When pride comes, disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 (Berean Study Bible)
We can walk around our whole life with the appearance of being meek, humble, and timid, when the entire time, we are a giant in pride. Pride shields and protects us from what others think and removes any chance of them being able to get close to us to harm us.
Before his downfall, a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honor. Proverbs 18:12 (BSB)
This HONOR is not from the world as we think, but HONOR given in the Kingdom. We need to care MORE about what our kingdom image is than our worldly image.
We know what God says about pride. It involves OPPOSING. People understand that God opposes the proud. But what we don’t realize is that the proud are opposing too.
Pride causes us to “oppose.” We oppose and resist being part of the body of Christ because we are afraid of self getting embarrassed. We won’t reach out and help for fear of being rejected.
The fear of man, fear of being shamed, fear of being rejected, fear of being embarrassed are all selfish fears. These are fears that put our image and our feelings above being needed and used by God. It’s placing OUR needs above the act of surrendering to God to be used by Him.
I have always asked God to use me, but not in a way that makes me uncomfortable. My pride won’t allow myself to get embarrassed.
Pride also opens the door for demonic strongholds to enforce your pride, always in your ear speaking fearful and worrisome thoughts. SO loud and obnoxious, feeding your fears to the point where you will run away with your tail between your legs. They will make you afraid to become a helpful and encouraging part of the body, and then BEAT you up for NOT becoming a part of the body of Christ. Heaping loads of guilt and condemnation upon you for falling short and not living up to your kingdom potential.
If fear of anything is keeping you bound up, then start with confessing pride, confessing that your image was more important than you realized. Your fear of being hurt, ashamed, or embarrassed clouded your choices and helped you safely hide in a stronghold of pride masked as false humility.
Also, pride can come at the time of DEEP emotional trauma during our childhood. It comes as a savior to bring comfort and safeguarding. At the time you were made to feel extremely low and worthless, pride came in to lift you out and set you in an untouchable place. But God is asking you to come out and let Him be your refuge and safe place where He will protect you as He uses you for His Kingdom.
A man’s pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor. Proverbs 29:23 (BSB)
Father, I pray that all who are bound in a stronghold of pride, who live in a place of self-preservation instead of a genuinely selfless place of humility, will be set free. Free to do Your good work without the hindrances that have kept them bound and removed from their fullest potential. Help the self die to pride and put YOU and YOUR Kingdom above self-protection. In Jesus’ NAME! Amen.
Standing with you,
Sheila Hollinger
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