I truly enjoyed studying this out and writing this article. I never fully understood the meaning, power, and authority that the Help Meet/helpmeet had. 

When God created marriage He designed it according to the roles, and nature that differentiates a man and woman.  Marriage not only takes into account how a man and woman are different, but it also makes the PERFECT union and strengthens the two into a perfect ONE. When a man is able to be a man, and the woman is able to be the woman, walking in the intention of the nature God intended, both submitting to God, and each other, cohesion exists. When a man and woman are able to fulfill the God-ordained roles they were given, not having to step into the shoes of another, or lose their position to another, they SHINE!

Power struggles arise when one or both don’t understand their roles and try to switch places. We see this often as the wife tries to wear the pants because she is insecure and feels the only way to feel safe is to take charge. The husband may feel overwhelmed by responsibility, tired of fighting a losing battle, so he steps aside and gives away his authority. 

A woman is NOT weak, and not without power and authority. In fact, a woman when she marries comes into the special authority of HELP MEET! That special power and authority as a wife is fully blessed and operational when she is walking IN her role as the wife, not in the role of husband and headship over the husband and family. Not when she is trying to use her authority to rule over her husband, but use her authority for what God intended it to be used for as her HUSBAND’S HELPER!

She is the ONLY woman that has the favor of God to be his help meet. Why is this title and role of help meet so important? Why does it set her apart from others? We will get to that in a moment. 

A Help Meet is a helper, but not just any helper! She is his Ezer Kenegdo!

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet(Ezer Kenegdo) for him. (Genesis 2:18  different translations–helper/help meet/suitable helper)

The meaning of Ezer Kenegdo

Ezer has originally two meanings in Hebrew, depending on the pronunciation: to rescue/to save and to be strong. Ezer is a combination of two roots: “to rescue, to save,” and “to be strong.”

This word is always used in the context of MILITARY mighty acts of rescue and support. Each time this word is used in the Word of God, you will discover that it refers to someone with great skill AND MANDATE FROM GOD!; someone in LIKENESS to God Himself. Ezer describes aspects of God’s character: not only a helper but an active rescuer and protector. Nothing suggests a subservient status of the one helping.  

“O LORD, hear the cry of Judah and bring him to his people. With his own hands he defends his cause, but may You be a help/ezer against his foes.” (Deuteronomy 33:7 Berean Study Bible)

Now, let’s look at the word suitable found in Genesis 2:18. The Hebrew word for suitable is kenegdo. It means “face-to-face opposite.” This word is used to describe a filing in the blank, to make a person complete and STRONG.

So, God created a woman to stand face-to-face with her husband, with opposite, but equally important attributes, filling in where he is weak, she is strong, and with her, she makes him strong and complete!

It’s no secret that men and women are not alike. But they were created to complement each other’s differences, and create a perfect whole, a oneness that is in harmony; something into which the enemy is always trying to sow arguments, discord, and contention and make each other step into the role of the other. 

God created a man to find his opposite because he was incomplete without her. Once he marries her and becomes one with her, she becomes ordained as his suitable helper. What makes this unique, and why is this so important?

A help meet is not any ordinary helper; she is backed and supported by God and carries the authority of the Kingdom with her to become a suitable helper, protector, rescuer, and strong supporter. She is equipped to bring God’s blessing and permission!  


“He that finds a wife finds a good thing,
and receives the will of Lord Jehovah,
and he that puts away a good wife puts away good from his house.”
(Proverbs 18:22 Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

What about that other woman who claims to be YOUR husband’s soul mate, help meet, or sent by God for him?

When a woman, who is operating in the flesh and influenced by the strange woman/adulterous spirit, commits adultery with a married man and marries him, she does not obtain or get recognized by God as an ordained help meet.  If you read Ezra chapters 9-10 you will see when a marriage is formed out of HIS will, in disobedience, God will want you to send back the false replacement, she is not his true help meet.  I would be bold enough to say she is a help meet to the enemy to snare this man and help him remain separated from God by facilitating him in following his own path and pleasure.

She holds no favor with God, nor kingdom-backing to help her in her role.

Standing with you,
Sheila Hollinger


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(~Marriage Revealed Ministries Inc. is committed to helping bring healing and restoration to couples who are struggling in their marriage. We do this through the revelation of Who God is and His heart and design for marriage which never intends abuse in any form. If you suspect abuse in your relationship, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit them online at thehotline.org~