It was in 2011, when my husband got a new job working for a friend, he is a tattoo artist. In March, 2012 (Good Friday ) I found out he was having an affair with the owner. Well, my heart was crushed. Right after Easter he left, said he just needed a break. My heart broke but I never stopped believing that he loved me. When he left, God gave me a dream of restoration and 3 years, 3 months, and 3 days later, my husband came home, and the OW went back to her boyfriend.

In my brokenness, I made a big mistake out of loneliness and hurt and turned to psychics. I always believed in God and Jesus but I was no way a Christian. I didn’t know that was a sin, didn’t know to turn to God even though one psychic I spoke with told me “God loves me, is holding me, and I don’t need to call these people, all I need is God.” But those lonely nights I called and, well let’s just say our savings and bank account got drained because they were taking money even if I didn’t call them. I did receive some, but not much of it back. My husband found out and I thought that was the end, and he would never talk to me again. Yes he was mad, but God used that. God started speaking to me, showing me sign after sign and I thought I was crazy. I was sitting there thinking, “what is wrong with me, am I crazy?” And asking “who can I talk to?” And bam! A very close friend that I haven’t spoken to in over 10 years came to my mind. So I wrote her! She is a Christian and I told her the things that I was seeing. She said God was speaking to me and He wants me to know how much He loves me. She told me she was also in a place in her life that she was in need of prayer. So we prayed for each other.

One Christmas, I gave a letter to my husband saying that I can’t see him anymore. He came here on Sundays to see the kids and had Christmas with us but he still lived with her, but the kids didn’t want to meet her at all. After the letter, I asked God, ” if you don’t want us together then please remove him.” God had another plan: He brought us closer, we became friends and then I ended up in standing FB groups. I ended up on prayer lines and I prayed and praised God and most of all I believed God and His promises. I spoke life, I learned about God, I spoke with Him every day as I would talk to my best friend.

It was then my h started coming around more, texted me out of the blue, and told me he was coming home!!! Praise God. He came home in May 2015. Not the man I knew at all. Very cold and distant. Much different than what I saw before he came home. I never stopped praying and then a new girl came along… yea more prayers and God removed this one too. And my husband, who was NOT a believer, started having a revelation of God Himself to him by putting His gospel laborers around him. My husband is thirsting for Him now. God can restore our marriages, we just need to let go and leave our marriages in His hands and trust Him. We must build our relationship with Him, get to know Him and His love for us. Pray! Praise! Speak Life! And no matter what we see or hear, don’t give up — keep pressing, be still, wait and listen for God to speak!

~Restored Stander